Thursday, October 2, 2014

home improvements

Can't get enough of them!
For some reason the “Spring Cleaning” bug has hit me and hit me hard………in October???  Suddenly I’ve become obsessed with home improvements & finally completing a lot of projects I’ve had in the works (or have been waffling around about actually getting started on). 

I decided over a year ago that I wanted to convert the second bedroom in my condo (I live in a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom loft condominium) into a mini-studio so that I could work out from home – both in hopes that this would give me a little bit of a push to do more strength & conditioning type exercises (which I never find myself motivated to do at the gym), and so that I’d have the ability to get in a workout, quick as it may be, on days that I can’t make it to the gym, or the weather is nasty, etc., etc.  I’ve been talking about it for probably two years now, but never had the time/motivation to really bring it to fruition until this past summer when I decided now was the time, no excuses.  That room had been functioning as my “junk room” – full of an old desk, boxes of holiday decorations and things I’d never gotten around to unpacking, my old sofa, a bunch of old electronics……needless to say, it took more than a little while to clean, organize, purge, and get it ready to move everything out and tear up the carpet.  Once all that was done though, it was a pretty simple task to rip everything apart….and then wait a month for the install.

The install itself took less than a half a day, though, and the results are a million percent beautiful!

The beginning of my beautiful new space <3
The close-up!
Got in my first home workout the other day - can't wait to have the mirrors & TV all set up as well!
I got my floors through Home Depot, (they sell the materials & contract out the work), and I am SO SO impressed.  I am considering the same flooring in my bedroom in the future, and I would 100% go with the same process.  The floors look GORGEOUS – I tested them out after my Kalamazoo trip left me feeling like I needed a little extra workout in my life Sunday night, they perform great & brighten up the whole room.  I just bought two big studio mirrors to mount & spent more than I care to admit on home gym equipment so I can recreate my beloved barre classes (new obsession!) at home, as well as picking up a TV mount for the wall.  Can’t wait for the whole thing to be finished at last!

I also had an slight closet incident a few weeks ago…………

I heard a huge banging noise followed by two cats booking it out of the bedroom....never a good sign.
He seems undaunted by the disaster...
Needless to say, rather than trying to remount the one tiny shelf that came with my condominium, I went out and bought a whole new Rubbermaid closet set, which I LOVE.  I have a tiny obsession with organizational things, so this was right up my alley, and I spent an entire morning restructuring my entire (way too large) wardrobe.

I admit I may need to do a little bit of purple-hearting before this closet collapses, too.
Also re-did my bedroom at last - still a bit of decorating to go, but it's leaps and bounds above where it was.
Next up……pulling out my summer garden & decorating for Halloween!!

(FYI……..neither Home Depot nor Rubbermaid in any way shape or form sponsors me or this post & all opinions are my own!)

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