Saturday, January 24, 2015

month-end check in!

This will be my first post since my resolution post, so I think we can see what resolution in particular I've been slacking on.  However, I've actually made some good progress in some other areas and it's been about a month, so to check in...
  • Practice yoga more regularly: I've been practicing about 3 times a week! Yesterday I went a funk/soul hot vinyasa class followed by an hour and fifteen minute long yin class with massage, and all I wanted to do afterward was melt into my mat forever.  I've been making good progress with my tripod headstand & bird of paradise, and starting to work on bound headstand, so I'm feeling pretty good about this one!
  •  Incorporate more strength training as well: Also doing well with this one! Making it to barbell strength class 1-2 times a week (missed a class for work last week & for a Red Wings game the night more worth it than the other), and at least one barre class as well. Cutting back on cardio has actually had a good result - I've lost 7 lbs since New Years & hopefully gained some muscle, too.
Pre-barbell this morning, rocking my new hopped & bothered tank ;)
  • Read 50 books: I'm on my 3rd book of the year, so I'm about on schedule - but lately I've been on a big movie watching kick (which started off with "well I think I'll watched just the first bit of this and then go to bed" and then I watched the entirety of The Imitation Game because it was positively incredible).  Gotta get back to evening reading!
  • Get more done: Loving my new planner - iPhones are great, but there's something that holds me more accountable once I've put the effort in to penciling in a workout or a date, or just "get groceries tonight".  
  • Write more: Weeeeell, they can't all be positive, right?  Still working on this one...
  •  Run at least 6 races: The NHL All Star game is in Columbus this year (this weekend, to be exact), and despite how close that is to me, I wasn't very concerned until I saw this morning that there had been a 5k complete with NHL All Star medals!  I did, however, basically commit to the Moonlight Bootlegger 5K, so that'll be one down!
  • Brew one batch a month: I started off January with a nice Belgian Quad - my biggest grain bill ever (20 lbs!), and some added currant/raisin puree just for a little bit of extra flavor.  I think I'm getting better at getting my ABV up, because I had a blow out during fermentation....high hopes for this one!  (Plus my buddy gave it the badass name, "Jean-Quad Van DAMN," so...)
Off Sides Brew Co. Glamour Shot featuring some bomb ass hop pants.
And of course, the post-brew dinner of citrus macadamia cod, lemon romano asparagus, & rosemary garlic butte roasted beets/carrots.
  • Go camping for the first time ever: Plans are in the works - hoping to finalize the details during my Colorado trip that's only TWO WEEKS AWAY!!!
Overall I'd say it's not a bad start...but it's only been three weeks & there's a whole lot of 2015 left.  My mother's a CPA, so she's extra busy this time of year, and has hired me to cook a couple meals a week for her and my dad, so expect lots (more) food photos soon...

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